Monthly Archives: January 2012

WordPress Basic’s

January 17th, 2012|

After spending numerous hours explaining to many clients how to use the wordpress platform I thought it would be helpful to produce a basic guide to using and performing basic functions, whilst most people do know how to do it I thought it would be a good idea to document for those who have forgotten […]

Admin Help Section

January 9th, 2012|

Do to increasing questions about the wordpress admin platform I get, I have now created a wordpress article category and any questions or issues I come across I will post about to help aid support on your wordpress platform, hopefully some of these will help you solve your issues. Let me know any other questions […]

Get Directory for Image Paths

January 9th, 2012|

I am trying to post little snippets of help as I remember them and this issue was a bit annoying when I started out with wordpress but like most issues once solved it was pretty straight forward to fix, now a few clients have asked me about this too so here is the issue and […]