Monthly Archives: February 2013

Javascript For Loops – Whats the fastest?

February 19th, 2013|

Firstly apologies for the load time, I will make the timings based around an action one day, Ok lets keep this simple, there are a few different ways of looping through arrays, lets see which ones perform the best, try this page in the browser of your choice.
Base Array
This will be the array that all […]

Chrome reorders keys – not reordering correctly

February 19th, 2013|

I have come across this javascript issue today in googe chrome, if you are setting up an object and then looping through it, google chrome seems to reorder the keys automatically so if you are looping through expecting some data in a certain order this may cause an issue. Example:

var object = { 3: 3, […]

Aquatic Imports

February 19th, 2013|

This was the second phase of the development for Aquatic Imports, they decided to upgrade their legacy admin system, moving across to the more powerful and customisable wordpress platform.

The site is geared up for B2B customers giving them availability to constantly changing price data, this website is 80% members area, as the price data is […]

Ajax connections manager

February 16th, 2013|

As most people know internet explorer has a maximum capacity of 2 http connections at one time, so when more than 2 ajax calls were made on a page at the same time one of the ajax requests was being forgotten, as this was an issue for one fo my clients I built this object […]