As most people know internet explorer has a maximum capacity of 2 http connections at one time, so when more than 2 ajax calls were made on a page at the same time one of the ajax requests was being forgotten, as this was an issue for one fo my clients I built this object handler, it’s using the library dojo but only for basic queries and the ajax call, you can replace these with jQuery selectors and the jQuery load function, I just thought I’d show you the principle of what I have built.

 * This object provides testing for connections
 * awl is my sites main obj

awl.connections = new ( function() {
  var maxconnections = 5;//default
    var maxconnections = 2;//ie default
  var index = 0;
  this.callList = {} //stored calls
  this.countRunning = 0;
  //public function
  this.init = function(args,calltype,callcat,name,uId) {
    //set up call obj
    awl.connections.callList[index] = {
    //call logic
    if(callcat == 'mustqueue'){
      //check for other must queues, if so flag it as this call next
      var queueIndex = checkIfMustQueueRunning(name, index); 
      if(!queueIndex) {
        //no must calls running call normally  
    } else if(callcat == 'supercede'){  
      //check for other supercedes running
      var sameIndex = checkIfSimilarRunning(name); 
      if(sameIndex) {
        //set cancelled and cancel old supercede call
        awl.connections.callList[sameIndex].cancelled = true;
        //now make call
      } else if(checkConnections()){
    } else if(callcat != 'cancellable' && !checkConnections()){
      //check if cancellable connections available
      var cIndex = checkIfCancellableRunning(); 
      if(cIndex) {
        //set cancelled and cancel old supercede call
        awl.connections.callList[cIndex].cancelled = true;
        //now make call
    } else if(checkConnections()){
      //make call
  this.finalise = function(refId){
    //decrement count
    //remove state indicates what to do next after removing the call, returns obj
    // state 1 = make next in queue if it exists
    // state 2 = make next must queue, also provides index of next must queue
    // state 3 = call already made as has been cancelled, do nothing
    var removeState = removeCall(refId);
    //if connection was cancelled call already made, if not make call
    if(removeState.state == 1){
      //now check for queued calls
      //get next in the queue
      var nextIndex = getNextCallIndex();
    } else if(removeState.state == 2){
    } else {
      //do nothing
  this.getUniqueId = function() {
    // create unique id
    return 'con_' + index;    
  function checkIfMustQueueRunning(name,index) {
    var ma = awl.connections.callList, ind = null;
    for(var x in ma){
      if(ma[x].callcat == 'mustqueue' && ma[x].running && ma[x].name == name){
        ind = x;
    return ind;
  function setNextIndex(rObj,index){
      //already got a next index so loop until next index not set
    } else {
      //set next index to run
      rObj.nextIndex = index;
  function checkIfCancellableRunning(n) {
    var ma = awl.connections.callList, ind = null;
    for(var x in ma){
      if(ma[x].callcat == 'cancellable' && ma[x].running){
        ind = x;
    return ind;
  function checkIfSimilarRunning(n) {
    var ma = awl.connections.callList, ind = null;
    for(var x in ma){
      if(ma[x].name == n && ma[x].running){
        ind = x;
    return ind;
  function removeCall(id){
    var ma = awl.connections.callList, oState = {};
    for(var x in ma){
      if(ma[x].uId && ma[x].uId==id){
          //flag that it was cancelled
          oState.state = 3;
        } else if (awl.connections.callList[x].nextIndex){
          oState.state = 2;
          oState.nextIndex = awl.connections.callList[x].nextIndex;
        } else {
          oState.state = 1;
        //remove call
        delete awl.connections.callList[x];
    return oState;
  function makeCall(i){
    var oCall = awl.connections.callList[i];
    if(oCall && !oCall.running){
      //increment count running
      if (oCall.calltype=="get"){
        oCall.handle = dojo.xhrGet(oCall.args);
      } else if (oCall.calltype=="post") {
        oCall.handle = dojo.xhrPost(oCall.args);
      //flag as active
      oCall.running = true;
  function getNextCallIndex() {
    var ma = awl.connections.callList,i=null;
    for(var x in ma){
      //if not running or not queued to be next if the lowest index      
      if(!ma[x].running && !ma[x].nextIndex){
        } else if(x<i){
    return i;
  function checkConnections() {
    //console.log("count: ",awl.connections.countRunning);
    if (awl.connections.countRunning < maxconnections){
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  /** for test only below */
  this.runTest = function() {
  function fakeAjax(t) {
    var uId = awl.connections.getUniqueId(),
    type = t ? t : 'mustqueue';
    var xhrArgs = {
      url : 'SearchLookAhead?storeId=10151&catalogId=15001&langId=44&searchTerm=bat',
      handleAs : 'text',
      preventCache : true,
      load : function(d) {
        console.log("fake ajax finished");
      error : function(error) {
        console.log("fake ajax cancelled");
    //this is how to call you ajax call using the defined xhrArgs obj above